Visegrad Fund

International Visegrad Fund

The International Visegrad Fund is an international donor organization established in 2000 by the governments of the Visegrad Group countries—Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia—to promote regional cooperation in the Visegrad region (V4), as well as between the V4 region and other countries, particularly in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership regions (Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova). The Fund fulfills its mission by funding projects, youth exchanges, and individual mobility programs such as scholarships and residencies.

The Visegrad Fund offers several grant programs for Ukrainian applicants:

  1. Visegrad+ grants: Projects must foster meaningful cooperation and ensure active participation of at least 2 V4 countries and 1 organization from Ukraine. Visegrad+ grants should be implemented in the V4 region and/or Ukraine and impact local communities in at least one of these countries. Grants can be used for projects in various areas such as culture, education, innovation, democratic values, and more. Application deadlines are February 1, June 1, and October 1. Detailed information is available at: Grant Guidelines 2024
  2. V4 Generation Mini-Grants: This program supports short-term international mobility for youth aged 12-30 within the Visegrad region and Ukraine. The main condition for grant application is the participation of at least two organizations from V4 and one organization from Ukraine. Along with partner organizations, Ukrainian organizations can receive up to €10,000 for joint youth initiatives. Application deadlines are March 15, July 15, and November 15. Detailed information is available at: V4 Gen Mini-Grants
  3. Visegrad Scholarship Program: Scholarships are awarded to master’s and doctoral students for studies at universities in V4 countries. The support amount is €3,000/semester for the scholarship holder + €1,500/semester for the hosting institution. The application deadline is April 15. Detailed information is available at: Visegrad Scholarship Program
  4. Visegrad Fellowship Program: Short-term mobility for doctoral students, lecturers, and researchers from Ukraine. The duration of mobility ranges from 2 to 10 weeks, during which participants can engage in scientific projects, lecture, or conduct research in archives or libraries. Selected fellows will receive a scholarship amount of €500 per week, distributed in two payments (80% and 20%, respectively). Application periods: two open deadlines per year (January 1 – June 30 and August 1 – November 30). Detailed information is available at: Visegrad Fellowship Program
  5. Research Grants at the Historical Archives of the EU: Program for master’s and doctoral students from Central and Eastern Europe to conduct research at the Historical Archives of the European Union (EUI). Successful applicants will prepare a publication (thesis, dissertation, book, or scientific article) related to European integration in any humanities and social sciences disciplines (e.g., law, history, political science, economics, sociology, public administration). Successful applicants will receive a research grant of €5,000 to cover all research expenses. Deadline: April 30. Detailed information is available at: Research Grants at the Historical Archives of the EU
  6. Visegrad Fellowship at the Open Society Archives (OSA): Research fellowships at the Open Society Archives (OSA) for young researchers. The €3,000 fellowship provides access to archives, covers travel to/from Budapest, and living expenses during the two-month research period. Shorter periods are prorated accordingly. Deadlines are July 25 and November 15. Detailed information is available at: Fellowship at OSA

Contacts: International Visegrad Fund Hviezdoslavovo námestie 9, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia

Office hours: Mon–Fri 08:30–16:30

Phone: +421 259 203 811

