Project information TouchingThePast


Project “Invisible Heritage: Exchange and Implementation of Best Practices on Access to Culture of the Visually Impaired”.

Cross-border program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine.



Touching the past…


To see Ivano-Frankivsk and Lublin…


Ukraine and Poland have a wonderful and multifaceted cultural heritage. Unfortunately, not many museums, art galleries, architectural and historical monuments, especially in Ukraine, can boast of their accessibility for the visually impaired. Today’s modern technologies aim to help us create conditions for the opportunity to learn art for blind residents and guests of the city.

Lublin (Poland) already has experience in this field: samples of adapted exhibits that can be “seen” by touch are already in four museums in the city, while the museums of Ivano-Frankivsk are not yet adapted to the needs of such visitors. The TouchingThePast project provides an opportunity not only to expand the range of exhibits adapted for the visually impaired in Lublin, but also to launch new approaches to creating such conditions in museums and historical architectural monuments of Ivano-Frankivsk.

Designing and making adapted copies of exhibits for museums in both cities is only part of the project, as the preparation of tactile copies requires special knowledge and technology. For this purpose, specialized equipment will be purchased, training will be conducted for museum and gallery staff, guides and for blind visitors. People with visual impairments – students of secondary schools, universities and local organizations – will also take part in excursions, exploring the historical sites of Lublin and Ivano-Frankivsk. The purpose of these activities is to demonstrate to participants the possibilities of learning about objects and tactile graphics for further cooperation and communication with other blind people.

The project will allow visually impaired people in both cities to take a more active part in the cultural life of the city, they will have the opportunity to visit museums directly and have access to works of art. Moreover, the project will promote further long-term cooperation between cultural institutions in the region through joint events, exchanges, which will raise awareness of the challenges that people with special needs face every day on both sides of the Ukrainian-Polish border.



Projekt „Invisible heritage: exchange and implementation of good practice in access to culture for persons with a visual impairment” jest współfinansowany w ramach Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Polska-Białoruś-Ukraina 2014-2020 z Europejskiego Instrumentu Sąsiedztwa.

Projekt «Niewidzialne dziedzictwo: wymiana i wdrażanie dobrych praktyk w dostępie osób niewidomych do zasobów kultury i ich udziału w życiu kulturalnym» (angielski tytuł: «Invisible heritage: exchange and implementation of good practice in access to culture for persons with a visual impairment») jest realizowany od 1 stycznia 2020 r. przez Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II oraz uniwersytet partnerski z Ukrainy – Narodowy Uniwersytet Przedkarpacki im. Vasyla Stefanyka z Iwano-Frankiwska.

This website has been created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.



On the website of the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020 in the section “Project History” (About the project) you can find material about the project “Invisible Heritage: Exchange and Implementation of Best Practices on Access to Culture for People with Disabilities impairments»,, and we invite you to visit our
page in Facebook.



Project leader – Kazymyriv Khrystyna Tarasivna, Associate Professor of Music Education and Conducting, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University.

Local project manager – Maskovych Tetyana Mykolayivna, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University.