Erasmus+ KA2 projects

Within Erasmus + KA2. Cooperation projects for the development of innovation and the exchange of best practices in the field of higher education, the following opportunities for cooperation with partner countries of the program (including Ukraine) are opened:

  • Development of the potential of higher education (both applicants and partners)
  • Alliances of Knowledge and Alliances of Professional Competencies (as Partners)
  • Strategic partnerships (as partners)

Brief description of directions

Development of the potential of higher education (ex-Tempus)

Universities and other organizations from a Program Country or Partner Program may initiate and / or participate in joint Higher Education Capacity Building Projects developed and implemented by a consortium of universities from Erasmus + * member countries on the one hand and a specific region. on the other, partner countries (EU neighbors, candidate countries and potential candidates, Latin America, Asia, Pacific Caribbean-Pacific basin countries). These may be the following projects:

  • Joint Projects: Helps all partners develop, modernize and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or teaching materials, as well as improve quality assurance and governance in higher education institutions.
  • Structural projects: for the development and reform of higher education institutions and higher education systems; to improve their quality and compliance with labor market requirements, promote regional cooperation and convergence of higher education systems.

Higher education institutions from Ukraine are full members of this field and can initiate the project and submit it as a grant applicant-coordinator in partnership with other countries, as well as be partners of projects and join in writing projects of other partnerships. In partner countries neighboring the EU and the Western Balkans, higher education capacity development projects also include an additional mobility component for students and teachers from institutions involved in the project.

Strategic partnerships

Universities or other organizations can enter a consortium aimed at promoting innovation at other universities within the framework of a strategic partnership. These initiatives:

  • Create new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning with a wide range of participants.
  • Promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competence of students, lecturers and company employees.
  • Improve the exchange of knowledge, their flow and creation.

Alliances of knowledge

Universities or other organizations can enter a consortium that has a tent for promoting innovation between higher education, enterprises and a wider socio-economic environment within the knowledge alliance. These initiatives: Creates new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning with a wide range of participants, foster entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competence of students, faculty and company employees, improve knowledge sharing, their flow and creation.