
For two years already, undergraduates majoring in 013 "Primary
Education" in our university have been studying the new discipline
“Methodology of e-Learning in Primary School”. It was implemented in the
educational process of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
within the international project EU Erasmus + “Modernization of Pedagogical
Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments – MoPED” (No. 586098-
EPP-1-2017-1 UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).
According to the developer – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Olena Budnyk, the course is aimed at developing students’ digital competence,
in particular: the ability to critically evaluate digital content, safe use of digital
technologies, communication tools to solve professional pedagogical tasks,
ethical behavior in information communication environment. Much of the
content is devoted to practical methods of using in the educational process such
tools and teaching aids as: research e-learning environments, on-line
laboratories, educational games, videos and interactive presentations studying
STEAM subjects.
This year’s lectures were held exclusively on-line, and practical modules –
in a mixed format. Part of the classes were held at the Center for Innovative
Educational Technologies "PNU EcoSystem" using the capabilities of the
innovation class as part of the educational ecosystem MoPED. Educational
material for students is posted on the Moodle platform, on which 168 full-time
and part-time students are registered for the course in 2020.
According to the undergraduates who have already completed the study of
“Methodology of e-Learning in Primary School”, the course is extremely
relevant in today’s conditions of coronavirus pandemic, because the use of
online communication methods to share information with students, e-learning
resources and tools are necessary for remote and mixed learning. Students
learned to use the best European practices as for the organization of the
educational process and noted that these skills and innovative approaches to
learning are necessary for the effective professional activity of a modern teacher
of the New Ukrainian School.